Thursday, October 20, 2016

My Pathway

Ola and hi.
Recently KMNS organized an event called 'Karnival Kerjaya' it was held on 14th September 2016, last saturday. All universities (include a few private universities) came here and opened booths. The objective my college did a 'Kanival Kerjaya' is to give exposure to all KMNS students for their future pathway. It is good to know about other public universities yang kita tak pernah tahu pun sebenarnya. Okay back to my objective, i would like to further my degree in University Of Malaya. My mom is my biggest inspiration. Nak ikut jejak mak but in different course lah. I would like to take Actuarial Science course in UM. 

nanti sambung...

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Dreams or Ambition?

Dreams? Ambition?
           In my opinion to be ambitious about something is just a human nature. Everyone have their own ambition, everyone have their own dreams about what they want to be in the future, hope for mom to prepare a good dinner when we're at home, perfect future husband, want to have our own money in the future and so on. The question is, will your dreams come true? Or just a piece of potato dreaming to escape from the kitchen before meal?

Okay back to the topic. I also have my own dream, my own ambition. One of my dream is to achieve flying colours result in my PSPM. Dengan itu, dapatlah kejar impian yang belun menjadi nyata untuk jadikannya suatu kenyataan. What i would like to be in the future is, i want to be an actuaries. Course that i want to take to further my degree in the university is Actuarial Science. There are not so many people know about actuary, what did they do and other things. So for those who don't know what is actuary, 

Based on Wikipedia, 'An actuary is a business professional who deals with the measurement and management of risk. The name of the corresponding profession is actuarial science. These risks can affect both sides of the balance sheet, and require asset management, liability management, and valuation skills. Actuaries provide assessments of financial security systems, with a focus on their complexity, their mathematics and mechanisms.'

Difficult to understand? Hahahaha ok lah actually it is more to insurance thingy. Tapi nak kata risk of company pun boleh kot, tah. Hahaha and to be an actuaries must excel in mathematics because it applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in insurance, finance and business. It require studies of accountancy, finance, statistics, economics, computer science, probability theory and annuities. In this century, the suitable person to be in this field require analytical skills, business knowledge, and an understanding of human behavior and information systems to design and manage programs that control risk.

Above the example of probability studies, the picture on the right as you can see, it was the example of probability question.

Okay that's all. thank you. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Dear fellas, here i go again posting a post. Hobby? Alright, talked about hobby, i don't have any specific thing to do in my leisure time. Thing that i usually do (dulu) lah masa F4. i used to read Fixi's novel. Layan novel cerita fantasi je mampu. There are tonnes of Fixi's novel in my house, rasa nak jual tapi sayang. And now still layan fixi tapi dah kurang. Hahahahahahaha one book takes 2 months to finish. Time is running so yeah bye.