Thursday, September 29, 2016


Halu blugers,
First update of the year, walleh walleh! I would like to share my day experiencing orientation week in KMNS. Hahaha i can't adapt with the feeling when being apart from the family. Sedih gila, first time masuk asrama, tak biasa (kedengaran seperti gedik tapi itulah hakikatnya). No ok sebenarnya em first day was okay but freaking tired with the activity on the orientation week. Oh ya about orientation, kami menjalani orientasi selama 4 hari (menangis sebenarnya sebab kena bangun awal). It was a really tough week, tak cukup tidur. RABAK! Hahaha the second intake students should be grateful because they don't have to face the orientation week. I still remembered there was an activity where we all have to gathered at the padang for the letter K M N and S. Haha memula susun waktu tu gila panas pastu hujan renyai. Faced 2 weather at the same time just to arranged that 4 letter? Hahaha but thankful i met a really nice girl from sarawak yang sangat mengiburkan. Ok dah bye.

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